Blue Ribbon Campaign
RSAC Rated

Laura's Spanking Corner


These stories were all written by Gordon Oilbuckle. The ones I haven't managed to put on my web site yet are listed also; they just aren't active links.


Cynthia Benedetto

Story Date
Punishment of a Princess November, 1957
Cynthia and the Weekend Drag April, 1958
Cynthia's Corner Time April, 1958
A Favor for Cynthia ???
The Disastrous Rescue of Chairman Mao May, 1958
Cynthia's Financial Crisis May 1958
Cynthia and the Family Conference May-June, 1958
Farrago at the Farewell Dance June, 1958
Cynthia and the Little League June 1958
Cynthia's Truth or Consequences August 1958
Cynthia and the Einstein Olympics September, 1958
Center of Attention October, 1958


Sarita Villamonte

Story Date
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star March 1997
Sarita's Big Show April 1997
Sarita and the Gorilla August 1997
Sarita's Designer Jeans September 1997
Sarita's Revenge November 1997
Sarita's Roundup February 1998
Sarita's Legal Advisor September 1998