From: Newsgroups: Subject: Non-Consensual? Date: 24 Jun 1995 04:15:14 GMT Non-Consensual? She awoke feeling quite woozy. She tried to massage her head, but she found that her hands were tied to something. She fought down a surge of panic and tried to take stock of her situation. She raised her head and looked about. She realized that her hands were tied to the legs of a bed and that her legs seemed to be tied to the opposite end of the bed. She knew that she was naked and spread-eagled. The fear rose in her and collected in her throat. What was happening? She let out a tremendous scream. The door opened. The light from the other side illuminated the room just enough that she was able to see that she was in a motel room of some sort. She quickly turned to see who was coming for her, but the door had closed too quickly and the room was again plunged into darkness. She heard the rustle of cloth as he(?) made his(?) way across the room. A small part of her mind was impressed that this person needed no light to navigate a dark room, but that feeling was quite overwhelmed by the fear that was permeating her being. She heard whomever it was stop right in front of her. The room was pitch black (the windows must have been covered with something a bit stronger than drapes), so she could tell nothing more. "Please," she whispered, "don't hurt me. My family will pay money to get me back unharmed. You can be rich if you don't hurt me!" A laugh responded and she knew that this was a man. Suddenly the fear of rape jumped into her head. "I'm not going to kill you," he said, "so don't worry." She thought she recognized the voice. "What do you want?" "Want?" Oh, God! She _did_ recognize the voice. The fear increased beyond tolerance. "I'm sure that if you think about it, you'll know what I want." "Please, Lance, let me go. I'm really sorry about what happened." "Sorry?" His voice changed to mimic her's. "Please, Lance, fly out to Salt Lake and spend the week with me. I really want to meet you. We'll have a great time. I've booked a motel room with a big bed." "I'm sorry," she cried. "I just wasn't turned on by you." "You like that word, 'sorry,' don't you? 'I'm sorry.' Well, I'm sorry, Cheryl, but I can't let you go at this time. We have unfinished business." "No!" she screamed as loud as possible. She heard the rustle of cloth again as Lance made his way across the room. Perhaps she had scared him off... The lights flicked on, momentarily blinding her. When her eyes adjusted, she saw him standing across the room. He was dressed in a simple shirt and jeans. In his hand he held a cane. "Scream all you want. A friend of mine owns this hotel and I rented all twenty rooms for the evening. I told him I wanted lots of privacy for myself and a woman. He was good about it and gave me a discount before he took the night off and went into town." "Please, let me go..." "Oh, I will," he said. "But first I want what was owed to me." "Noooooo!" Lance swished the cane through the air a number of times. "Remember this? I bought it especially for that trip. Now what am I going to do with it?" In answer, he brought it sharply down across her tender ass. She screamed in pain; a second hit struck her before the scream had completely died. Over and over he struck. Her ass was beginning to look like a crimson flag. He stopped hitting her and listened to her as she cried and begged. He walked around to the front of the bed and grabbed her hair. With his free hand, he undid the front of his jeans and slipped his cock out. His hand pumped furiously as he held her head in place. Finally he gave a groan of satisfaction as his jism coated her face and left hot trails of spunk. "That was a good warm-up," he said. "Please, I won't tell..." "Save it, bitch. Hmmm. What's this," he said as he opened her purse and brought out a large hairbrush. He cracked the brush across her ass time and time again until her bottom was a mixture of puffy welts from the cane and purple circles from the brush. Her cries echoed through the room, but no amount of tears would stop him. Finally he tossed the brush aside and walked around to the head of the bed. She heard a lid popping off of something and felt a greasy finger worming its way into her defenseless anus. Her screams renewed, but he did not listen to them. He mounted her between her spread legs and forced his hard cock into her ass. She screamed and screamed, but he just pumped in and out at leisure. Finally she felt him give a shudder and collapse onto her back. She just lay there in a mixture of shame and pain. "That was interesting," she said as he undid her bonds. "Ummm, it was for me, at any rate." "Oh, for me, too. So, what scenario should we play out next?"