Subject: NEW STORY: Cycling through England part 1 of 2 (M/FFFF, cons, some sex)
From: (Mr. Kent L. Stoneking)
Date: 13 Feb 1997 02:30:16 GMT

Cycling through England

I broke this story into two parts for posting; if you missed either part, let me know and I'll e-mail you the rest. The story is set in England, but (unfortunately) my sole experience with that country is through years of watching Masterpiece Theatre and other programs on public television. If I've made any grevious terminology errors, I apologize.

What follows is a work of fiction intended for an adult audience that enjoys stories about spanking. If you don't meet all these categories, please find another newsgroup.

Gary once again wiped the rain from his eyes and squinted, trying to see more than a few feet ahead of him. Hopeless, he thought, completely hopeless. The rain fell in solid sheets, reducing visibility to almost zero and completely soaking the entire countryside, not to mention the young man walking his bicycle along the country lane. It seemed like a good idea at the time, Gary thought ruefully; he, his roommate, and several of their friends, spending the summer between their junior and senior college years on a cycle tour of England. And, for the first week, things had gone perfectly; the group enjoyed the quiet time together, staying in inns and hostels, eating in the local pubs, and visiting the many landmarks and historic sites scattered throughout the area. It seemed like the best summer of Gary's life.

Until today, that is. Early in the afternoon, Gary's bicycle developed a flat tire. He urged the others to go ahead without him, assuring them he knew the way to the night's scheduled stop. He managed to patch the leak, reinflate the tire, and set off in pursuit of his group.

Shortly after he resumed his journey, the sky clouded over and the rain began. A pleasant summer shower soon deteriorated into an outright monsoon. Worse, Gary's tire quickly went flat again, and he had no way to patch it, forcing him to walk his bicycle. Gary knew he should have reached the village long ago; he must have blundered off the main road. Hopelessly lost and soaked to the skin, he'd given up on finding his group and was looking for somewhere, anywhere, where he could get out of the rain and possibly spend the night.

Through the gloom, a brighter spot appeared, off to one side of the road. A light of some kind? Gary decided to investigate. Maybe they'd have a barn, or a haystack, or some sort of shelter. At least, Gary reasoned, he couldn't get any wetter than he was...

A short walk up a cobblestone path led to one of those impressive English manor houses scattered throughout the countryside. A lone light burned in a downstairs window. Gary stepped to the front door, looking for a doorbell or something similar. He didn't find one, only a pair of large brass knockers shaped like the inevitable lions' heads. What knockers, he thought, amusing himself with the "Young Frankenstein" line as he pounded brass against wood.

A few minutes dragged by; Gary was about ready to try the knocker again, when he heard the bolts thrown. The door swung inwards slowly, revealing a woman holding an oil lantern. The soft light revealed raven-colored hair cascading down the woman's shoulders, bright blue eyes, finely chiseled features, and full lips parted in a welcoming smile. She wore a flowing, long-sleeved white robe, caught at the waist by a royal blue belt, which accentuated her shapely figure.

Momentarily taken aback by the woman's beauty, Gary quickly recovered his composure. Prompted by the cold water running down his neck, he explained his predicament to the woman, who listened silently, an amused expression on her face. "But of course you must come in!" she exclaimed in a lilting, musical voice, stepping aside and ushering him into the building. Gary took three steps inside, then turned back. "My bicycle --" he began. "It will be taken care of," the woman responded. "You must get out of those wet things, have a warm bath and a good supper, and of course you must spend the night here. My name is Diandra."

Gary wasn't certain whether all that was really necessary, but it sounded good to him, so he eagerly followed the woman down the long entry hall. "Do you have a telephone?" he asked. "I'd like to call the inn where my friends are."

"Alas, no, sir," she replied. "No telephone, no electricity, no modern conveniences of any kind." For the first time, Gary noticed the hall was lit by candles placed in sconces at strategic intervals. "Our order does not allow them."

Their order? Was this some sort of convent? Diandra didn't look like any nun Gary had ever encountered, but still ... "Sister Diandra --" he began.

"Please," she interrupted, "I am not a nun. Our order is more ... social in nature. You may call me Lady Diandra, if you wish."

"Very well, then, Lady Diandra. I do appreciate the offer of your hospitality, but I need to get to Lower Tiddlemarsh tonight. I'm sure my friends are worried about me."

She frowned deeply. "Oh, dear. I'm afraid you've strayed very far from your path. Lower Tiddlemarsh is many miles from here. In this weather, you'll catch your death long before you get there. Please, stay the night with us. You can resume your journey in the morning."

That was the third time she'd referred to "our" and "us", but she was the only one Gary'd seen so far. "Are there many of you here?" he inquired.

"Normally, about forty of us reside here. Tonight, though, only myself and three others are here. The others are ... away."

"And are you the head of the order?" She couldn't be much over twenty-five.

She laughed. "Oh, no! Our leader, Lady Millicent, left me in charge. She and the others are on a ... a pilgrimage."

"Oh, really? To Israel? Rome? Canterbury?" He was intrigued.

Lady Diandra smiled. "Singapore."

Singapore? That was an odd place for a pilgrimage! "Lady Diandra, just what type of an order is this?"

Her eyes twinkled as she replied, "You will learn more of that anon." The hall ended in a large, open room, with furniture scattered about and a roaring fire in a large fireplace. (Living room? Sitting room? Parlor? Gary wasn't sure.) Lady Diandra set her lantern on a small table and clapped her hands twice. "Alyce! Charlotte! Felicity! We have a visitor!" she called. Within moments, three young ladies, all in their late teens or early twenties, entered the room; one blonde, one brunette, and one redheard. All three approximated, without quite equaling, Lady Diandra's beauty. They wore robes like the older woman's, although their belts were yellow. Gary felt himself almost blushing under their inquisitive eyes.

"This gentleman has been stranded by the storm. He shall be our guest tonight," Lady Diandra instructed the three. She made introductions. "This is Alyce." The blonde smiled and curtseyed. "This is Charlotte." The redhead. "And this is Felicity." The brunette. He bowed slightly, in return.

Lady Diandra continued her instructions. "Charlotte, please draw a warm bath for our visitor. Alyce, to the kitchen with you. And Felicity, please make up one of the spare rooms." The three scattered to their appointed tasks. She turned to Gary and said, "Please, warm yourself by the fire. Charlotte will return when your bath is ready."

Gary stepped closer to the fireplace as Lady Diandra left the room. Curious place, he thought as he surveyed the room. Apparently they didn't believe much in comfort; the furniture (several couches, chairs, and tables) was functional, but not opulent, as was the dark brown carpet covering the floor. The walls were almost completely unadorned. Gary decided to question Lady Diandra further about her order as the occasion arose.

The chill was beginning to leave his bones when Charlotte returned. "Your bath is ready. Come with me, please," she requested. He followed her down a long, narrow passageway to a small room dominated by a wooden tub filled with water. Charlotte indicated two small chairs, one of which held a robe and some towels. "Put your wet things here," she said, pointing to the empty chair. "I'll be nearby if you need anything."

Alone again, Gary stripped off his clothes and stepped gingerly into the bath -- and stepped quickly out again. The water was ice cold! Hurriedly wrapping a towel around himself, he opened the door and shouted "Charlotte!"

She appeared momentarily, asking "Is anything the matter?" "Yes!" he answered, leading her to the tub. "This water! It's too cold!" She looked confused, then her eyes widened. "Oh, my! I led you to the wrong room! Oh, I'm so stupid! Please, come with me!"

As Gary turned from the tub, she stumbled roughly against him. Unable to keep his balance, he fell headlong into the cold water. He came up sputtering and coughing, trying to get out of the tub while maintaining a grip on his towel. Catching sight of Charlotte, he was astonished to see a malevolent grin on her face, quickly covered by a horrified expression.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "I'm ever so clumsy! Please, let me help you!" She steadied Gary as he climbed out of the tub. Soaked to the skin for the second time that night, he followed Charlotte across the hall where another, identical tub awaited, this one billowing clouds of welcoming steam. "This is your bath," she explained, before leaving again.

Gary luxuriated in the tub, feeling the warmth seep through him. He still wondered at Charlotte's reaction to his fall, but decided to ignore it. Anyone can make a mistake, he thought; anyway, Lady Diandra was being so kind, he shouldn't really complain about a minor glitch or two.

After a long, warm soak, he toweled off and donned the robe (a slightly larger version of the women's, with a red belt). He found Charlotte waiting in the hallway. "Your dinner is almost ready," she informed him. "Please, walk this way." I don't think I can walk that way, Gary thought as he followed her slim, swaying hips down the hallway again.

They soon arrived in the dining hall, a large room filled by a long, wooden table. Lady Diandra sat at the table's center. She rose and greeted him warmly, inviting him to a seat next to her. "Did you have a nice bath?" she inquired.

"Yes, it was quite ... refreshing," he replied, glancing at Charlotte, who smiled shyly before curtseying and leaving. "You must be quite hungry. Shall we see what Alyce has prepared?" His rumbling stomach gave its consent. She clapped her hands, twice. On cue, Alyce entered, carrying a steaming bowl which she set before Gary. The bowl contained some kind of stew, which looked and smelled delicious. He lifted a spoonful to his lips, blew to cool it down, then took a taste .. and, quite literally, gagged. It seemed the stew's main ingredient was salt.

Resisting the impulse to spit the mouthful back into the bowl, he managed to choke it down. Lady Diandra noticed his expression and asked, "Is something the matter?" Unable to speak, he pointed at the bowl. She dipped her finger in the stew, tasted it, and grimaced. "Alyce!" she shouted. The comely blonde appeared instantly. "What did you do to the stew? It's completely inedible! Bring us another portion, immediately!"

Alyce scooped up the stew and scurried off into the kitchen, reappearing moments later with another bowl. Gary tasted the new portion and gagged again. This helping was even worse than the last!

Lady Diandra sternly addressed Alyce, who stood with head down and hands clapsed behind her. "Alyce ... did you oversalt all the stew?" A small nod was the only response. "Take it away, you naughty girl, and bring us some cheese and bread. You will be dealt with later!"

Again Alyce removed the stew and disappeared, returning shortly with a platter containing slices of bread and cheese. As she set the platter before Gary, he saw a very satisfied smile on her face. She left the room again, though, before he could make sure.

"I apologize for Alyce's actions," Lady Diandra said sincerely, laying a hand on Gary's arm. "I can't imagine what got into her. I hope the cheese and bread will be sufficient." "It'll be fine," Gary said, anxious to assuage his host's feelings. She continued, "Would you like some wine to cleanse your palate?"

Gary indicated his approval. "Felicity!" she called. The brunette entered, carrying a bottle and two large goblets. Setting one each before Gary and Lady Diandra, she filled both from the bottle, then stepped back against the wall. Gary raised his goblet and took a long sip.

This time, he couldn't avoid spitting the mouthful out. The wine was so bitter, he may as well have been drinking vinegar! As he coughed and sputtered, Lady Diandra sniffed her goblet, then turned to Felicity. "Let me see that bottle," she commanded. The younger woman proferred the bottle. Lady Diandra inspected the label, then said sternly, "Felicity, you know this vintage turned long ago. You were instructed to remove these bottles from the wine cellar. Now, clear this mess away, and bring us something from the good stock!"

The brunette gathered up both goblets and left -- and, once again, Gary caught the hint of a satisfied smile. Lady Diandra apologized profusely, again, and again Gary reassured her -- though less enthusiastically, this time. Much more of this, and he'd take his chances in the storm.

Felicity returned quickly with fresh goblets and a new bottle. After presenting the wine for Lady Diandra's approval, she filled both goblets and left. Gary sipped cautiously, surprised to find a sweet, full taste. He talked quietly with Lady Diandra as he ate and drank. She artfully diverted all his inquiries about her order, focusing the conversation on him: his trip thus far, his college studies, and his life in general.

Eventually, his stomach pleasantly full and his eyes drooping from his long day and the effects of the wine, Gary yawned deeply. Lady Diandra immediately said, "You must be exhausted. Come, I will show you to your room." He sleepily followed her back to the main room, up a winding staircase, and down another long hall. She stopped before one of many nondescript doors and ushered Gary inside. "Sleep well. We will awaken you tomorrow, to continue your journey."

The room, like the rest of the house, was spartanly furnished -- except for the lavish four-poster bed. Gary wasn't so sleepy that he didn't check the room for any more hidden pitfalls or booby traps. Finding none, he stretched out on the bed, pleasantly surprised to find a firm, comfortable mattress. He stood up again and began to remove his robe when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in," he said, hastily wrapping the robe around himself again. The door opened and Lady Diandra entered, followed closely by Alyce, Charlotte, and Felicity. The younger women had removed their outer robes and were wearing white shifts which barely covered the tops of their thighs. Lady Diandra addressed an astonished Gary. "My lord, we must speak with you. Please, be seated," indicating the bed.

"You don't have to call me that," Gary replied, getting more confused by the moment. "Oh, my lord, but we must!" Lady Diandra responded. "We have caused you, our guest, great discomfort by our actions. By the rules of our order, you are now our lord and master, and you must punish us for our misbehavior."

Punish them? What could that mean? He started to speak again, but Lady Diandra was insistent. "My lord, please, sit!" she requested, pointing to the bed again. Well, might as well see what they had in mind, Gary thought, as he seated himself on the edge of the bed.

"Charlotte, you are first," Lady Diandra instructed the redhead. She stepped to the bed and stood before Gary, her head hung low. "My lord," she addressed him, "I have offended you. I drew you a cold bath, then deliberately pushed you in. Please, punish me." Then she went to his right side and laid herself, face down, across his lap. Her shift rode up to her hips, revealing that she wasn't wearing underwear.

Amazed by this display, Gary looked up at Lady Diandra, uncertain of his next move. "Spank her," she said confidently.

Spank her? Gary'd never heard of someone Charlotte's age getting spanked. "But ... are you sure?" he inquired weakly.

"Yes," Lady Diandra replied. "Charlotte has been a naughty girl, and she must be properly punished. She must have a good spanking. Spank her well, my lord!"

Still hesitant, Gary returned his gaze to Charlotte's rump. He'd given some playful birthday spankings to his young nieces and nephews, but he'd never given anyone a real spanking, and yet ... there was something about her upturned fanny, shaped nicely by her straining thighs and clenched buttock muscles, that seemed to invite his hand. Well, when in Rome, he thought, or London, or wherever ... He wrapped his left arm around Charlotte's waist, to steady her, then raised his right hand and brought it down, squarely and firmly, across her bottom.

A loud SMACK! echoed through the small room as Charlotte bucked and howled. Astonished by the loud sound, and her reaction, Gary released his grip and looked quickly at Lady Diandra, to see if he'd gone too far. She stood impassively. "Please continue, my lord," she requested. She seemed determined, and Charlotte offered no resistance, so Gary resumed his hold and delivered another firm swat, this one landing just above the pink handprint from the first.

Charlotte squirmed and squealed again, but Gary, prepared this time, merely tightened his grip and spanked her again. He rained blow after blow on her upturned rump, which pinkened rapidly, giving hints of a deeper red to come. The combination of having an attractive, nearly naked woman wiggling on his lap, the feel of her bare flesh under his hand, and the sights between her thighs as she kicked and scissored her legs, soon had a quite noticeable effect on him. He was certain that Charlotte could feel his erection through the thin robe.

As he reddened Charlotte's bottom, he wondered if he'd be expected to apply similar treatment to Alyce and Felicity. He glanced at the other three women. Lady Diandra had a neutral expression, but the younger two looked on with undisguised anticipatory smiles. Gary recalled a few times in his childhood, when he and his older brothers had been spanked together. While waiting his turn over his father's knee, he sure hadn't looked like they did now. Did these women enjoy being spanked? Gary found that inconceivable.

Eventually, Charlotte's backside turned a bright scarlet, and her struggles subsided. Gary looked up at Lady Diandra, who nodded imperceptibly, concurring that the redhead had had enough. He stopped spanking and released his grip. She laid still across his lap for a few seconds, sobbing quietly, then pushed herself to her feet. Without a word, she went to a corner of the room. Facing the wall, she raised both hands above her head, lifting her shift enough to put her bare red bottom on display. He caught glimpses of moisture between her thighs. Was she as aroused as he was?

Gary sat quietly, uncomfortably aware of the bulge in his robe, for a few moments; then Lady Diandra motioned Alyce forward. The blonde stood before him, head lowered, and said, "My lord, I have offended you. I deliberately put too much salt in your stew tonight, and ruined an entire batch. Please, punish me." Then, like Charlotte before her, she laid down across his lap, her shift raising to reveal her well-rounded, naked rump.

Growing accustomed to his role, Gary secured her in place and started in. Alyce, like Charlotte, bucked and squealed with each spank, her legs parting enough to reveal she was, indeed, a natural blonde. Her fair skin reddened rapidly, and in a few minutes she too lay quietly across his lap. A nod from Lady Diandra, and Alyce joined Charlotte against the wall, arms raised and bottom visible.

Another brief pause, then came Felicity's turn. She stood before Gary, reciting the now-familiar litany: "My lord, I have offended you. I deliberately brought you bad wine tonight. Please, punish me." She headed for his right side, but he intercepted her. "Please, use the other side. I think my right hand could use a rest," regarding his sore palm.

Obediently, Felicity draped herself across his lap from the left. Gary found, to his pleasant surprise, that he was as proficient a left-handed spanker as right-handed. Felicity proved a bit more docile than Charlotte or Alyce, giving only a low grunt and a slight leg-scissoring with each swat. Consequently, her spanking lasted longer, until he made certain she'd been punished sufficiently.

As Felicity joined her fellow miscreants against the wall, Gary firmly hoped they'd leave soon so he could attend to his swollen maleness. He turned back to Lady Diandra and was astonished to see that she'd discarded her robe. Standing before him, wearing a shift identical to the others', she intoned, "My lord, I have offended you most greviously of all. I failed in my duty to instruct these three as to their responsibilities to our guests. Moreover, I lied to you. Lower Tiddlemarsh is less than a mile from here. Please, punish me." She shifted slightly, then paused. "Left or right side?" she inquired, a mischevious grin lighting up her face. Gary considered this a moment. "Left, I think," he finally answered. Might as well give both hands equal opportunity.

When Lady Diandra laid herself across his knees, Gary felt his erection surge forth anew. Just as the lady's facial beauty surpassed those of her acolytes, her bottom was more attractive than theirs. He knew he'd greatly enjoy reddening those plump, shapely, lily-white globes.

Gary caught a hint of movement from the wall. Hands still on heads, the other women had turned to watch Diandra's spanking. There could be no doubt about their arousal now, Gary thought as he eyed their moist, swollen vaginal pouches.

Holding the lady firmly in place, Gary raised his hand and brought it down across her bottom. No reaction. He repeated the blow. A low "Oooo!" escaped Lady Diandra's lips. Another swat; another "Oooo!", somewhat louder this time. SMACK! "Aaaaa!" SMACK! "Ohhhhh!" SMACK! "Eeeee!" SMACK! "Iiiii!" SMACK! "Uuuuu!" She continued reciting the vowels, getting louder as the spanking progressed.

As the sting built in her rump, Lady Diandra started rolling back and forth across Gary's lap, rubbing against his member. The additional friction, combined with the other arousing aspects of the scene, was almost unbearable. If he didn't get some relief soon, he thought, he'd explode.

When the lady's behind turned a matching shade of red to her counterparts', Gary stopped spanking and lowered his hand. Lady Diandra immediately looked over her shoulder at him. "My lord," she said, tears streaming from her eyes, "please, do not stop now. My sins were more grevious, and I deserve severer punishment. Please, I beg you, continue." Gary wasn't sure he could continue, but he raised his hand and spanked her for another minute. Again she begged him to continue, and again he complied. This went on for several minutes. Lady Diandra's bottom was beet-red, verging on purple, before she finally got off his lap.

She stood before him silently, both hands massaging her rump. Taking her cue, Charlotte, Alyce, and Felicity all started rubbing their backsides as well. Gary was searching for a tactful way to dismiss them when Lady Diandra spoke again.

"My lord, it is obvious we have caused you further tension," looking directly between his legs, "and you must allow us to relieve them." Gary started to protest, but by then they were advancing on him. Alyce and Felicity gently, but firmly, pushed him down on the bed, while Charlotte's fingers undid his robe. As Lady Diandra went to work on his engorged member with her capable tongue, Gary laid back and surrendured himself to their ministrations ...

A shaft of sunlight striking through the window awakened Gary. He laid on his back in the bed, pondering last night's events. Had they really happened? Or had he been dreaming? He couldn't believe, after the workout the ladies put him through last night, that he'd feel so refreshed this morning, and yet ... The door opened and Felicity entered, bearing a bundle of clothing. "Ah, my lord, you're awake," she said, smiling sweetly. "Your breakfast is ready. Please, join us when you've dressed." She set the bundle at the foot of the bed, curtseyed, and left.

She called him "my lord" ... then it did happen! Gary inspected the clothing and found his things from yesterday, freshly laundered and pressed. He dressed quickly and made his way downstairs, locating the dining hall. Alyce stood sentry within, evidently awaiting his arrival. "My lord, will it please you to dine now?" she inquired.

"Yes ... and where is Lady Diandra?" he asked. "She will join you shortly. Please, be seated," she answered, and disappeared into the kitchen. Gary took a seat at the long table. Alyce soon returned, carrying a platter laden with eggs, ham, cheese, and fruit, followed by Charlotte with an earthenware pitcher. The blonde set the platter before Gary, while the redhead filled a goblet with milk from the pitcher. Both ladies then repaired to the kitchen. A bit apprehensive, Gary cautiously tasted the food and sipped the milk; he found both delicious. Last night's activities left him with a ravenous appetite; he cleared most of the platter and drained several goblets. Gary had just finished eating and pushed his chair back from the table when Lady Diandra entered the room. He rose to greet her; she rushed to him, taking both his hands in hers. "Did you sleep well, my lord? And was the breakfast satisfactory?" she asked. He answered in the affirmative to both. "Very well. When it pleases you to leave us, you will find your bicycle in the yard."

Leaving them? He hadn't considered that, and yet ... he knew he must travel on. His friends were in Lower Puddlemarsh, anxiously awaiting his arrival. He wondered how he'd explain the delay to them. They'd never believe this story, that was for sure!

"Lady Diandra, your ... hospitality has been most gracious, but I really must be going." She nodded slightly and offered him her arm. He took it, and she led him back through the narrow hallways, out the main door, and into the yard. His bicycle stood there, the tire patched and inflated. Nearby, arranged in a neat line, stood Alyce, Charlotte, and Felicity. Each of the three, in turn, stepped up to Gary and bade him farewell. He responded to each with an affectionate hug and kiss. The younger women filed back into the house as Lady Diandra gave Gary concise directions to Lower Puddlemarsh. They then exchanged farewells. As Gary mounted his bicycle, he turned for one last look at the house. A final bit of curiosity struck. "Lady Diandra," he asked, "what is the name of this place?"

"This, my lord?" she responded, smiling the smile he'd be seeing in his dreams for the rest of his life. "This is the Castle Anthrax."