From: (Ginger30) Newsgroups: Subject: Barbarism in the 23rd Century Date: 11 Sep 1994 02:31:08 -0400 Message-ID: <34u87c$> Barbarism in the 23rd Century "Jered, wait up! Please, I-- Jered..." Lane had to really hustle to keep up with the blond man's long stride. Adding fuel to his step was an anger which she'd sworn was going to erupt publicly, violently. It hadn't, of course, that would have put their assignment in jeopardy, instead Jered had merely spun her around to face him and whispered in a flat, hard voice, "I will see you back in our room... now." So here she was, practically running after him down the long verandah to their guest accommodations, dying of embarrassment with every Tetrian citizen she passed. Jered didn't care. He had been brutally ribbed for over a month now that he'd inherited none of his father's Tetrian blood and only his mother's civilized Base-Earth habits. As he listened to the tapping of Lane's heels on the marble floor behind him, he scowled and wondered if his childhood friends were correct. Jered had been born on Tetra-Colony and lived here for twelve years of his life. His family left when his father became the first and only Tetrian Ambassador to the United Council, an appointment he'd gained firstly, because he was the only one who considered it a diplomatic necessity for their ethnocentric and self-sufficient Colony and secondly, because Jered's father was the only Tetrian to ever have married an Outsider, a woman he'd met on one of the Colony's rare, rare forays into the Universe. Since it had been founded two hundred years ago by a renegade religious cult, the Colony had been virtually ignored by the rest of the Universe, an attitude which the Tetrians liked just fine. But now a team of scientists, through infrared photographs, had discovered the incredible natural resources which the tiny planet kept secreted away in its bowels and suddenly, the United Council was eager to approach the Colony about possible trading expeditions. The only problem was that, since Jered's father had been murdered only two years after his appointment as Tetrian Ambassador and no replacement had ever been sent, the United Council had no point of contact with Tetra-Colony. Jered had long since graduated from the United Fleet Academy and was a high ranking officer in Specialized Forces Division, affectionately known as Spec 4, when he was called in to have his childhood memories of Tetra-Colony ransacked. It was then suggested by people in very lofty places that Jered pay a visit to his birth planet. He'd readily agreed, knowing full well his mission was to open channels of communication with the Colony for future trade negotiations. It was also suggested that Jered disguise the true nature of his stay from the testy and fiercely private Tetrians by posing as a man on honeymoon, interested in showing his new wife his native people. Since Jered had no life partner, he was assigned one, a beautiful and lethal young graduate, Lane Tel Dar. Jered had been opposed to this choice as Lane had no diplomatic experience yet, however, her major concentration of study had been energy source trade negotiation while in her spare time she'd written a text entitled "Barbaric Cultures in the Twenty-Third Century." A title which Jered found offensive and superior, just as he found Lane herself, despite her incredible dark-haired, long-legged beauty. At launch, he could not deny that he'd experienced a certain male "barbaric" satisfaction when their superior reminded Lane that Jered was the reigning officer of the mission and she was to "obey Jered in everything." She hadn't even winced, not then anyway, not until they'd landed on Tetra-Colony and she'd witnessed "barbarism," not in the academic sense, but first hand. Lane and Jered were attending a grand feast in their honor because, luckily, Tetra-Colony embraced Jered as a lost son (while merely politely accepting his Outsider wife) when a woman walked by them wearing a long, sheer skirt with a split up the back; the two pieces of material had been folded aside and buttoned to the woman's hips so that her very naked, very rosy bottom was exposed. She seemed not to notice, or not to care, as she stood with her hand on her husband's arm, talking with another couple. Lane pinched Jered's arm and he followed direction of her troubled gaze, seeing nothing amiss at first. Tetra-Colony was filled with the familiar images of his childhood and it took him a moment to realize what was putting the knit in Lane's brow. Once he did, Jered suppressed a smirk and leaned in to whisper, "Surely they mentioned a punishment skirt in one of those texts you so diligently studied." She could see his green eyes were twinkling, so Lane was unsure if he was teasing her as she shook her head in answer. "Ah, it's just another barbaric practice that will upset you. Shall we find our places the table?" Lane held him back, eyes narrowing with irritation. "Since arriving here, I've tasted animal flesh, witnessed lion baiting, and slave trading--" "A criminal is not a slave." Jered interrupted. "You've taken away his freedom and forced him to serve a master." "Only for the term of his sentence." Lane wasn't going to argue this one again. She'd been disgusted enough watching a woman be sold off to the highest bidder to serve a two year indenture (granted she'd been caught stealing from a neighbor), but then Jered had admitted the woman could be used by her master for sexual purposes, which was unspeakably disgusting to Lane, and then he tried to justify it by saying she'd be used by her master only, as if that made it better. Lane glanced again at the noble woman's exposed red backside and knew, just knew, she wasn't going to like the explanation behind it. "Well?" She demanded of the handsome man who was supposedly her husband. Jered lifted a tawny brow at her imperious tone but gave her an answer anyway. "The woman's been punished and is now obliged to let the whole assembly know it." "Punished?" Lane's voice sounded low and husky. "Spanked." Jered answered simply. Lane's eyes flew back to the lovely red bottom across the crowd. "But that's... that's..." "Barbaric." Jered supplied with a small twitch of his lips. "Yes, it is!" Lane hissed at him as he tried to draw her to another part of the room. "That's unheard of, not even for criminals!" That got a laugh from her companion. Lane stopped stock still and waited for her reigning officer to turn back. "Who did that to her?" Jered's face composed into perfect seriousness. "Why, her husband, of course." "What?!" Lane's loud gasp had many of the Tetrian guests turning to shoot questioning looks at their honored visitors. Jered smoothly tucked Lane's hand into the crook of his arm and guided her to their table while nodding and greeting nearby couples. Lane continued to whisper furiously at him. He could only make out a few of her muttered oaths, just enough to know she found the punishment skirt degrading for women (he decided not to tell her freshly spanked sons and daughters were required to wear thongs); that any man who would do such a thing to his wife obviously didn't love her (he decided not to mention that often a wife would go to her husband herself and request punishment); and finally, that any woman in her right mind would murder her husband on the spot before she should submit to such a practice (he definitely did not inform her of Tetra-Colony's even more barbaric means of dealing with murderers). Dinner was enjoyed by most everyone that evening, except for Lane who was hard pressed not to throw evil glances at all the men present and the lovely noble woman who was hard pressed not to squirm throughout the meal as she sat bare bottomed on the cold marble bench. During the next month, Lane noticed women of many ages wearing punishment skirts, each with the sheer flaps folded and buttoned back to reveal a thoroughly spanked bottom. Each time, Lane's hands clenched to fists at her sides as she smiled sweetly at their Tetrian hosts. At least, they were making headway with their mission, though much as Lane loathed to admit it, their progress with the Tetra-Colony leader was more due to Jered's straight forward diplomatic abilities than her trade negotiations background. But still there were practices which galled her, like the way a certain young man continually found subtle ways to touch her long dark hair. It made her sick, really, who knew where the beast's hands had been? And when he cornered her one afternoon and whispered lewd offers while trying to press his bulging trousers against her hip, she'd kicked him away. He'd been positively ungracious about it too, considering she'd purposely missed his balls, really, the kick could have crippled him if she'd so desired. "You wanted attention, I gave it to you, cunt!" "Wanted attention? Whatever would make you think so?" Lane was perplexed. "Your husband obviously is sorry he married an Outsider Bitch, he never touches you, his eyes are elsewhere--" the man spat. Lane cringed slightly, realizing she was at fault for this man's perception. She'd noticed immediately that the Tetrians were demonstrative people, that husbands and wives kissed passionately at every parting, that they touched, felt, stroked each other during conversations, meals, play. Jered had attempted some of this with her, but she'd put him off, despite his argument that they were to appear as though they were on honeymoon. She'd held his hand and allowed his arm to drape around her waist, but that was it. She'd been afraid to do more with him, afraid that as she curled next to Jered in their guest bed every night, she'd be driven to take their professional roleplaying to a more intimate level. Already, she'd lay in the dark and dare herself to reach over and touch him once his breathing deepened and she was sure he'd fallen asleep. He was a beautiful man, golden skinned and hard muscled. She wanted to rub her mouth over his sleeping body and stroke his cock into service. She never did, of course, he was trained to be a light sleeper and would no doubt have awoken at her slightest kiss. So, she marched about during the days sexually frustrated and irritable, refusing every innocent public caress he offered because it only worsened her condition. And now this wretched beast of a man thought she'd been rejected by Jered and somehow that made her free game, well, she'd show him. And she did. She'd challenged him to a fight, no weapons, right then and there. The huge hunter had laughed and refused, until she kicked him a second time. Then with a bellow, he promised to teach her a lesson. Lane guessed his aim, and she was right, the brute was set upon taking her over his knee, which would prove difficult because there was no seat handy and because Lane had a more damaging fight in mind. By her third kick to his face, the man had a split lip and a bloody nose and still he could not lay a hand on her. She was too well trained, too agile and, she intuited, because of Tetrian moral code, he would not strike at her in any other fashion than the over-the-knee-open-palm variety, even though his anger had reached nuclear intensity. "Had enough?" She'd taunted just before a hand grabbed her from behind and whirled her around. Of course, it was Jered. Jered who could easily have given the brute she was fighting a run for his money in a Super-Nova-about-to-explode contest. "I'm sorry, Thorolf," Jered said to the man she'd kicked. The beast only grunted and rubbed his chin. "She does not know the laws." The man had, unbelievably to Lane, accepted Jered's apology with wry amusement and sauntered off. That is when Jered demanded her presence in their room. And that is why she was trotting after him now like a puppy on a leash, realizing with each step how serious her offense was. By the time he opened the door and politely waited for her to enter, Lane knew he wasn't going to scold her for being an errant, naughty wife, but rip her to shreds for not following the orders of a superior officer, his. The door clicked quietly behind them and Jered crossed the room, not even glancing at her. When he picked up his equipment bag she knew what he was going for, his Cruiser transmitter. "Wait, Jered, I can explain." His chin snapped up and Lane almost wished he hadn't looked at her so directly, so coldly. "I have allowed a great deal of insubordination, of outright temerity on your part, Lane Tel Dar, because of the intimacy of our situation. I understand it is hard to play at life partners and then revert to subordinate status once our door closes. But now you have gone too far, you have jeopardized our mission and I can no longer afford to look the other way." "I'm sorry," she said on a sharp intake of breath. Her mind spun with his accusations knowing full well every thing he said was true. How could she possibly have let her temper get the best of her today? She had no doubt offended their hosts and despite what Jered said to that brute outside, she knew very well the Tetrian laws forbid striking a man in the face. She'd just been so angry, so... unlike a trained diplomat. She refused to let her eyes well with tears, that would be even more unprofessional. "You're right. I forgot myself and at the moment I forgot why we were here." "United Council does not train nor pay a Spec 4 to be forgetful." His eyes fastened her to her spot. She nodded, guilty as charged, and Jered lifted his transmitter to dial up the Cruiser's computer. "Wait!" Lane cried, taking a step toward him. "Tell me what you mean to do first, don't just inform the Council as though I wasn't standing right here. Please." She stood erect, poised, but her eyes were large and blue and pleading. Jered lowered the transmitter a fraction of an inch. "I will have you taken out of here by tomorrow. Tetra-Colony will be told there was a death in your family and you were required to return home." "But they'll wonder why you don't go with me." Jered frowned. "I would rather explain that, then risk having you make this mission any more difficult than it is.' "I won't do it again." "No, I expect you won't be brawling with another Tetrian citizen, but that is hardly my only complaint. You and your attitude have almost cost us any diplomatic contact with this planet." "My attitude?" "Yes, you represent the United Council to them. Not me. I am seen as one of them because of my father, because of my childhood. You are the Outsider and you are what they see themselves trading with in the future, if they ever trade with us in the future. And so you know, I have had a hell of a time explaining that not all Outsiders are as judgmental as you. Your attitude is what Tetra-Colony left behind two hundred years ago. And they are reluctant to submit themselves to it once more." Lane's face registered her dismay and utter shame but Jered was ruthless in his anger. "And when I report back to the Council, I will give a full report of my experiences here including my view of your conduct. I have no doubt you will be called in front of the Deportment Board." With a choked gasp, Lane snatched the transmitter out of his hand and tucked it behind her back. She always was impulsive. Jered's body turned rigid as he regarded her with a piercing stare. He could imagine at least ten ways to take the transmitter from her, despite her extensive knowledge of martial arts, but none of his means would be pleasant. "Please, Jered, just let me explain for a moment." He did not answer but his body relaxed slightly as if granting her request. "That man insulted me..." "I see. And, of course, the proper response to an insult is to kick the foreigner in the face. Was that what they taught you in your Diplomatic Policy class? Or did you read it in the Spec 4 training manual?" "No, I..." She had no excuse and absolutely hated that she had no excuse. "Moreover, Ensign, you had explicit orders from me to be gracious to the Tetrians, that meant all of them." "But you're never around!" She was whining and she knew it. Lane changed her tone of voice quickly. "I know you're my reigning officer, Jered. I know I was supposed to follow your orders, but I got angry. I forgot and began to think of you as just a man, as my husband and well--" "Well, now we know what kind of a life partner you would make but it excuses nothing, as I'm sure the Deportment Board will agree." He snapped. "But it will go on my record! I will never be given another assignment!" She pleaded. Jered held out his hand for the transmitter, his mouth set into a firm line. "But Jered, I was good with the Tetrian leader. I was delightful and he introduced me to the man who owns the mines. You would have taken longer to meet him otherwise." She tried, pleading further with her azure eyes. "True. Tell that to the Board and perhaps they will be forgiving of your indiscretions. Now, give me the transmitter." "No, please, let me stay here with you. I promise I'll be more charming than you can ever imagine. Please, give me a second chance." His voice tightened as he queried, "And have the Council question my judgement after I report your insubordination to the Board?" "Don't report it." Lane suggested softly. At his chilly look, she continued hurriedly. "I'm not suggesting you forget about it, but couldn't you handle it yourself? Couldn't you punish me here, keeping it between us?" "Punish you?" Jered's mouth quirked derisively. "How would you suggest I do that, Lane Tel Dar?" She couldn't take her eyes from his glittering green ones. She felt the flush steal up her neck and into her cheeks and made a small gesture toward the door with her hand. "Like they do here." She choked out, heat pouring into her veins and searing through her body. "Here?" He was going to make her suffer through this, he really was. She gave a tiny nod of her head and made a second motion toward the door. "A spanking, Ensign? Are you suggesting I spank you?" He asked softly, savoring the wickedness of his torment of her. She stood across the room, swallowing awkwardly, her slim hand plucking at the material of her silver bodysuit. She gave another slight nod. "Ensign Tel Dar, you are a grown woman, a United Council citizen and a Spec 4 officer... doesn't your status preclude such an undignified punishment?" "Yes, but I..." She cleared her throat, "I'd prefer it if you didn't report me to the Board, Sir, if you.." pause, "...spanked me instead." "But Lane, if I took you over my knee, do you understand I'd make sure the experience was so unpleasant, you would wish you'd chosen the hearing." He said it so calmly, as a statement of fact, she did not doubt his words. "But at least there'd be no record." She breathed. "No," he agreed simply, "except that of your sore and red bottom which you would be required to display tonight at dinner in a punishment skirt ." Lane's eyes widened in horror. Oh, she understood his logic alright. Seeing her thus humiliated for today's mischief would appease the Tetrians. It would also, no doubt, boost their esteem of Jered for handling his woman appropriately. She was about to tell him to go to hell when she thought of her humiliation in front of her peers back home, that would be worse than any shame she suffered here, in front of her superiors and teachers... Lane grit her teeth and gave a quick nod of acceptance. Jered studied her hard, as if he could peer into her tumbled thoughts. "And what happens when we leave here and you go to the Council, pressing charges of harassment because your reigning officer pulled down your pants and spanked you." "I won't report it. It will only between us. I swear." Jered gave a slight smile, terrible in its frigidity. "Alright Ensign Tel Dar, you are going to get your wish, especially because it will give me tremendous pleasure to have your bare bottom across my knee." A hot warm rush seeped out of Lane's pussy at these words of his. "But, understand this, you will get your spanking according to my dictates. No arguing and no changing your mind half way through." Again she nodded, unable to speak, barely able to breath, and again she felt a flame curl through her belly. "Get the chair and set it in the center of the room." Jered commanded. She moved as if underwater, setting the transmitter aside and positioning the chair as Jered directed. She looked to him for his next command. He said nothing for a moment, which gave her time to really study him, the black of his vest and pants, the muscles in his bare arms, the dark gold of his hair and the vengeance in his sea green eyes. "Take off your clothes, Lane." He may have been asking her the time of day for all the tone of his voice gave away. Lane's hands trembled as she unzipped her skintight silver bodysuit and slipped it down her lush length, kicking her boots aside. "And the thong." He tipped his head to the silky strap of black that bound her loins. She started to protest, there was no back to it, it could not possibly offer her protection, but the words died in her throat as she saw his implacable expression. Lane rolled the thong down and carefully set it with her clothing on the bed. Thankfully, Jered was able to school his expression before she turned back around. In their month of living together he had not seen her naked, despite their close quarters, they had respected one and other's privacy. Now every part of his body was registering his long period of abstinence and the perfection of her flesh. His skin tingled, his hands fairly itched with longing, to say nothing of the state of his cock which had hardened at the first mention of spanking Lane and now that she was naked before him, it practically burst through the material of his snug trousers. And there Lane stood, still with her back to him, presenting the most delectable round ass he'd ever dreamed of sinking his teeth into. He knew she was battling modesty and it amused him. When she turned she met his scrutiny directly, with a toss of her curls, pretending as if she weren't dying a thousand deaths as she stood in front of him naked and aroused. His eyes took in her tightened nipples, flushed complexion and the delta of dark curls. He smiled with cool pleasure. "Yes, Ensign, I am going to enjoy this." She could have kicked him for that but, of course, she didn't. A physical battle with Jered would serve her nothing, he'd drop their bargain and report her to the Board, and more importantly, Lane was no fool, she knew, no matter how well she'd been trained in combat, she'd lose to his superior strength. So she awaited his next order meekly, submissively, if glaring daggers at him and grinding her teeth could be called that. He took his time, considering every inch of her. "Put your boots back on." This got him a surprised look, but she did it unprotestingly. The high heeled black boots set off her long white legs to perfection. Jered smiled inwardly. It would also make it more difficult for her to run from him, not that he'd have any problems catching her anyway. He beckoned her over, forcing her to stand so close to him that she had to tilt her head back to look into his eyes. His hand slipped down her flat belly. "You're not getting excited by this, are you?" He asked in a detached voice as his fingers twined through her pussy curls. She stepped back with an angry gasp, partly because he was correct, "You have no right to touch me there!" She hissed. "That isn't part of a spanking!" "Oh, you are consistent, Lane Tel Dar, there's no denying that." He said in a tone that made it clear he was paying her no compliment. What he did mean, she couldn't guess, but now she was sorry, perhaps if she'd accepted his intimate touch, he wouldn't spank her. She was about to swallow her pride and press herself to him when he brusquely took a seat in the chair. "Over my knees, Ensign." She hesitated. "Now!" Lane stumbled forward, her heart pounding in her throat, and studied his lap. She could think of no graceful way to drape herself across it. She looked to him for help but found none in his glacial, expectant gaze. Slowly she knelt on the floor, a difficult thing to do when one is in four inch heels, placing her hand on his right leg for balance. Again, she met his look and she'd swear his annoyance had increased, when or why, she had no idea but his generous mouth was now pressed into a tight line. Jered made an impatient sound and lifted her warm hand off his upper thigh where it was proving far too distracting and gave her a tug which sent Lane sprawling across his lap, her bottom settling nicely over his thigh. She wiggled forward immediately so that her breasts hung freely on the other side of his leg. Her weight pressed uncomfortably down on her belly, she felt ungainly and exposed, as she was, for along with her lovely well-rounded nether cheeks, Jered could plainly see the pout of her pussy lips between her pale thighs -- thighs which she pressed together instantly. Her attempt at modesty entertained him. Her legs would not remained closed long, if his childhood memories were correct, for his father had kept his Tetrian customs no matter where they lived and he, his sisters and mother had been on the receiving end of such cultural habits, until the beloved man had died. Jered remembered well the kicks and struggles a woman made during a sound bare bottomed spanking. His left hand slid up Lane's spine to grip the back of her neck lightly, firmly, letting her know he would tolerate no fight on her part. "Why are you receiving this spanking, Lane?" He asked as he brought his palm high above her tensed buttocks. "Just get on with it, Jered." She snapped. "OW! AH! No-" "Wrong answer, Ensign, try again." "Because I fought with a Tetrian citizen." "Yes..." Jered's broad palm sought out and found her bottom several more times and Lane wondered why her correct answer received the same punishment as her insolent one. She decided not to ask as she was smarting terribly from his first volley. "What else?" Her reigning officer asked while rubbing her already pinkened bottom. "Because of my attitude? OH! OH, Jered, THAT HURTS!" She was beginning to writhe but his fingers dug into the back of her neck, warning her not to struggle. "And what kind of attitude of you been displaying, Lane?" She knew his hand was hovering over her cringing bottom and she was finding it increasingly difficult to answer his questions. "A bad one?" "Yes, very bad." And with that, Jered set up a hard, fast rhythm that sent Lane wiggling across his lap, trying to climb over it, anything to escape from that mean, stinging smack of his. "OWWW! Jered! I'm sorry! OH!" "Come now, Spec 4's are trained to take much more than this. You can handle it." His hand spanked down again, over and over, wide hard swings with incredible momentum that bit into her soft bottom on contact. She kicked frantically, the tips of her boots tapping the hard floor in an uneven rhythm. "OWWWWW! Oh no, PLEEEZE!" He ignored her cries, nor did he feel any remorse, instead Jered savored the bouncing feel of her hot flesh each time his hand connected with her red bottom. And for her part, Lane was in complete distress as the spanking progressed, seemingly forever! Never had she felt so helpless, never had she been so sorry for her bad temper, and never had she experienced the heat that was fast becoming her entire backside and spreading to her pussy. She cowered her hips downwards trying to avoid Jered's heavy, even slaps and had a momentary shock of pleasure as she realized how good it felt to grind her clit into the edge of his thigh. Oh, the spanking still was painful, terribly, wretchedly painful, but her pussy was tingling like she couldn't believe. As Jered began to spank her buttocks alternating from left to right, so Lane rocked her hips in trying to avoid his blows, this motion felt even better, her circuit-blown brain dimly acknowledged. She cried out from his teeth-jarring smacks, sobbed at the almost unbearable pain, and wiggled her hips with an intensity designed to bring herself off. Almost immediately, he knew what she was up to and slowed his hand mid-spank. "Stop that, Lane." Her humiliation was complete, utter and total. Her hips stopped the lewd movements instantly. She did not know that above her Jered grinned in satisfaction, finally he'd glimpsed a lusty side to the beautiful woman who'd played his wife this month. He resumed the spanking as she struggled to make her body lay limply across his knees. Her ankles locked in her frustration, her hips writhed from a mixture of intense pain and intense desire but still his mighty palm smacked her naughty bottom and she sobbed aloud. Soon Lane began to kick again, she couldn't help it and when Jered concentrated his spanks to the lower part of her hind cheeks, the heat became unbearable and she thought she would come even without rubbing her clit against his leg. She was so close, just on the precipice, beginning to moan, when he stopped the spanking again. She could have screamed louder from her frustration than she had from the fire and sting of his blows. "Lane?" He asked as his hot palm began to gently massage her buttocks. She lifted her head slightly, pressing her bottom back into his hand, if only he would push his fingers into her. "Did this spanking excite you?" Damn him! What the fucking hell did he think? She tried to rise but his left arm kept her pinned across his knees and his right palm smacked her bottom again. "Ow! Yes! Yes, it did!" She cried out. "I thought so..." he murmured as his fingers slid into the sopping crevice of her ass. Her pussy juices had smeared every inch of her cleft from clit to rosy anus and down her inner thighs. "Oohhhh." She moaned, bucking her hips up, dying for his touch. And he gave it to her lightly, not enough to bring her off, just enough to make her insane with frustration and desire. "Please! Please, Jered! Touch me!!" She choked out while wiggling back toward his tickling fingers, trying to overtake them, to press her clit into them, but he withdrew his hand as fast as she squirmed. "No, Lane, that isn't part of a spanking. Remember? You said that before we even got started." Damn him, damn his memory and damn his hands for not pressing into her desperate, throbbing clit. Jered smirked, certain he could read her thoughts. He held her over his lap for another moment, lightly rubbing her ass now, while she cried openly and he willed himself under control, counting backwards, reciting poetry, doing anything but looking down at the red squirming bottom balanced over his knee. He'd wanted Lane Tel Dar from the first moment he saw her but he wasn't going to take her just yet and he wasn't going to allow her to climax, maybe later, maybe tonight. For now, Jered was going to force Lane to experience what he'd been going through lying next to her sweet body in bed these past weeks, watching her wrapped in a towel after her bath, seeing her sweat after her morning exercise. "Give me your hands, Lane." She was of no mind to deny him anything and continued to cry as he forced her hands behind her back. He leaned over to the bed, took up her black thong and neatly tied her wrists with it. Then Jered dragged her to her feet where she stood wobbly before him. He glanced only once at the glistening drops which clung to her damp pussy curls then met her pleading blue eyes. "Jered, please." She gasped, "Please just--" He stood abruptly. "No, you're being punished for your bad behavior, not rewarded. Now into the corner." With that he spun her around and marched her to the corner while applying several more spanks to her bottom. She cried loudly and tried to dodge away from his hand. "Closer to the wall, Ensign. That's good. Now, you're going to stay there until dinner tonight when I return with a punishment skirt for you to wear. Do you understand?" "Yes." She sobbed out with a nod. "And Lane, you are not to move, not to find a way to untie your hands and you are not to make yourself come. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Lane pushed her forehead against the cool wall, tears ran down her face, her entire body hummed with electricity and this man wanted her not to come? "Yes, Jered, I understand." "Good." He gave her red bottom one last pat and left her there to cry out her misery, shame and frustration. Jered couldn't wait until dinner, of course, even though he'd wanted to make Lane's punishment last through the evening. After thirty minutes, he decided his suffering, insistent and raging hard, had to be worse than hers and he slammed back into their room where, for the next several hours, they consummated their "marriage" in loud, lusty, loving terms. Later that evening, Lane Tel Dar entered the Tetrian leader's dining room dressed in a sheer blue punishment skirt which was accessorized beautifully by her glowing red bottom and charming attitude. I know, they just keep get longer and longer... oh well, I hope you all didn't mind too much. Ginger